Faith's 2nd Degree Burns Were Healed in 10 Days
This is a testimony of our beloved daughter, Faith Valerie Wong. By the help of God, we continue unto this day, witnessing the power and protection of God in our children’s lives:
On 28th February at 9 am (2014), the unexpected event happened, when Faith spilled a glass of hot tea on her body. We didn’t think this accident would be very damaging to her skin as we assumed it was only from a small cup. To the contrary, the wound was very severe and the doctor diagnosed her with second degree burns. When we heard this, and saw our baby in ICU, with the non-stop noise of her crying, the only hope we had was to turn to our only Saviour, Jesus Christ. We called our brethren for prayer, and in an instant when we started to pray in the Spirit, she stopped crying and began looking at us and the doctor was able to do the preliminary clean-up of her wounds.
After that, the doctor suggested that she should go for a debridement operation. The doctor notified us that since it was second degree burns, some parts of her body had deeper burns which may cause scarring. The only thing we could do was to surrender to God’s will and continue to pray and have faith in Him. After 1.5 hours of operation, she woke up and we could see that the wound was cleaned up. We were a little bit surprised by the decision of our doctor to let it stay as an open wound, and we tried to consult with him, but he was adamant to leave it open. After 3 days, we found that the wound became infected and became worse and found out that it had a bacterium which could cause a lot of abscesses on the skin.
In the meantime while we waited for her recovery; there was a strong urge in our heart that we should get a second opinion, but the hospital refused for us to see another doctor, since they said it’s their rule of operation. Then, we had to pray about it, surprisingly after that we were allowed to get a second opinion from another burns surgeon specialist. When the new doctor (Specialist) looked at our daughter’s condition, he took her right away for another debridement operation and then closed the wound to minimise the infection. This is truly the Lord’s timing that could deliver us from a much worse situation.
The specialist told us that the wound was expected to heal within 4-6 weeks and she needed to undergo another 4-6 hour operation. However, through the grace of God, Faith had a miraculous healing process and after the 4th surgery the wound was closed up and dry, and in total only 10 days. This is really a blessing of the Lord, for us to go through each moment in Faith with Him. Without His strength we do not know where we could’ve stood in this storm. Thank you Lord, our saviour, Jesus Christ.
Faith is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Bali, Indonesia