Lesley was Healed of Anorexia

I tried to battle the disease in my own strength. I probably weighed about half of what I do now, but I couldn’t see that I was so thin. My friends were all worried about me, and I went to lots of doctors seeking help. Praise the Lord, He must have had His hand on me because I did start to put on weight. But I became a gym freak. I began to live at the gym for hours on end, barely eating anything. I was a teacher & I taught every day - I really don’t know how I survived. Over 20 years ago I was driving past the Vogue theatre, when I had an overwhelming feeling to go in. Someone spoke to me and when she said “Praise the Lord” I thought, “Oh no - this is not for me”. But she said, “Why don’t you come in and listen to what it’s about?”, and when she showed me Mark chapter 16 in the Bible I was totally convicted and could see that they had something I really wanted. I went to Queensland on a holiday, thinking that would be the answer to my anorexia. I remember two things about that holiday - the inside of the gym, and a sign on people’s T-shirts at an outreach there. I didn’t recognise the Revival Fellowship sign until a few years later when I saw it again.

One night I thought that maybe there was something in this Bible thing and I got out my brother’s Bible. I couldn’t understand any of it so I put it away. The next day I was in a shopping centre and was given a pamphlet that was advertising the play “Don’t Knock Noah”. I saw the sign of the Revival Fellowship on it, and I just knew I had to be baptised. The next day I did exactly that, and I knew I had done the right thing. I felt this huge weight lift off my shoulders as the Lord healed me. I remember the first communion meeting I came to, and holding the tiny piece of broken biscuit during the communion service. I thought, “I can’t eat that. I am going to exercise an extra half an hour to get rid of it.” Weird, I know; but that’s how I thought. I would really like to thank God that He took all those anorectic thoughts away. He also healed me from irritable bowel syndrome, and I can now eat whatever I like. Praise the Lord!

Lesley is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood