Maureen's Baby Was Saved After He Was Declared Dead

Maureen was baptized and received the Holy Ghost in October 1993. At that time she hadn’t menstruated for nine years but when she was baptized and received the Holy Ghost, God healed her sickness.

Maureen became pregnant with a baby boy and when she was in the hospital labour ward she had a serious haemorrhage from a ruptured uterus and bladder. The doctors told her that her baby was dead as a result of this, so she was taken away to another ward.

Over the next nine hours she was told over and over by hospital staff that her baby was dead and that her blood transfusion was just leaking out. She became cold and stiff and unable to move and they said she would die soon too. Maureen KNEW her baby was not dead and that she wasn’t going to die and she kept praying and she KNEW God would keep them both alive.

A feeling of warmth slowly returned to her body and she found she could move her feet, then her legs and body! The doctors operated on her and her baby WAS still alive! They then sewed her body all together again.

Maureen’s Pastor named her baby Emanuel (God with us).

Maureen is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Papua New Guinea

Erin Hawkswood