Deidre was healed from Depression
In 1962 when I was a little girl I went to a meeting of the Canberra Revival Fellowship. I knew there was something there, and three weeks later I was baptised by full immersion and came out of the water speaking in tongues. My life turned around at that time and has never been the same since. I was fascinated that speaking in tongues was the sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit and I still find it fascinating and wonderful – why tongues? So often this experience gets me through in a troubled world.
That was 54 years ago and a lot of things have happened in that time. I grew up through the 60’s and 70’s, married, brought up my children and have grandchildren now. It is hard bringing up kids. Marriage gives all sorts of challenges and some things can be very hard. I suffered from depression for quite a few years - sometimes I didn’t know where the answer was going to come from, but God healed me. I have learnt that God can do anything and I believe He is the answer for everything. He’s faithful. Even though I was healed from depression, from time to time I would have a ‘dark’ day, and when that happened I would keep praying in the Spirit, and I came through it. When you pray in the Spirit you can pray without thinking about your problems.
Just recently a couple of family members went through some difficult times. I was at a meeting one day feeling weighed down about it, when I realised I could pray and fast about the situation, and I immediately felt empowered. I spent a couple of weeks praying and fasting and have seen answers, for which I am very grateful. At times I’ve felt hurt or offended and it’s easy to feel bitter. I’ve had to forgive, and God made me able to do that.
I can’t praise the Lord enough. Because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit God fills my life with hope, and I’m able to continue overcoming. He can do these things for you too. He can do anything for you and I encourage people just to press in to God and pray about everything.
Deidre is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Central Coast, NSW