Phil was healed from a Breakdown

Raised as a Lutheran, I joined the Army in my late teens and served the nation for the next 30 years. During that time I was blown off my feet by an explosion and almost lost my life in fires on two occasions, however, I only turned to the Lord when under extreme duress or stress. I next worked the “grave-yard” shift in a service station where I experienced two attempted armed robberies, the first involving a fight with the offender. My last working position was as State Manager of CAMS (motor sport) where working 100 hours a week became more the norm than it ought. The accumulation of stress experienced in those jobs lead to health issues, a major breakdown and contemplation of suicide. I was advised to retire from work or I’d possibly not survive much longer.

My brother preached the Gospel to me over a period of some three years. I always believed that God was real but we used to argue various points on religion with me holding onto my childhood beliefs. The “seed was planted” however, and I commenced reading my Bible during the latter part of that time. On 26 September 2010 my brother simply invited me to the Sunday meeting at Woodcroft and I agreed without hesitation. Why - my brother’s perseverance, seeing the significant change for the better in my nephew Chris, and hearing the words read directly from the Bible. The talk at my first meeting was about “Your Soul” which is exactly what I needed to hear because my soul was in ruin and needed repair. I immediately knew that the Lord was the only one who could change me. I was baptised by full immersion and immediately spoke in a tongue that neither I nor others understood. It felt like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders immediately following my baptism.
I knew my past sins had been taken away; my body and mind were filled with the Holy Spirit and salvation was now a reality. I was sixty years old in earthly terms but spiritually just a baby; born again that day; the first meeting I attended.

I thank God for choosing me and showing me the true path to salvation. I have had some amazing experiences since that wonderful day. I’ve had the pain in my back, caused by parachuting, taken away, but more importantly, I stood up in faith and prayed for a very distressed baby in an aircraft, and the Lord immediately healed her. I am now definitely looking forward to the Lord’s return.

Phil is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood