Sharon's Marriage and Family was Restored

Sister Sharon was baptized on 16th July 2010 and spoke in different tongues as in the Bible, Mark 16:17 & 18, Acts 2:38 and other scriptures talk about how to receive the Holy Spirit.

She was one of the religious women taking part in religious activities in the community but on the other hand she took part in evil activities. She also had many family problems. Her husband was addicted to poker machines, womanising and provided no financial support to the family. This affected Sharon greatly and her life was in chaos. She had no home, she was living in containers with her four children for many years.

There was a brother [from Revival Fellowship] who came up to her and said, I see that your life is miserable, you have family problems. If you come with me and I will show you the way so that your life will be good and you can live in harmony. At first Sharon showed pride in her ‘religious’ background and refused to listen, but one day she opened up and accepted the message to repent, be baptised and receive the Holy Spirit. She went to the church and observed. She listened to the testimonies and heard the gospel preached from the pulpit. Then she indicated to get baptised and she went to the river to be baptised, and the first thing that she knew, all the heavy load was taken away and she felt light. She received the Holy Spirit and spoke in new tongues and all her problems went away.

Sharon enjoys her salvation, her husband and children have also been Spirit filled and now all of them fellowship together.

Sharon is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Papua New Guinea

Erin Hawkswood