Joanne's Son was Healed From Fluid on the Brain

The Lord has been a great protector and provider for me as a mum of four children. Having received the Holy Spirit and being baptised at a young age, I have always known I can call on God to help me and my family through times of trouble. I have experienced many miracles in my life, one is a healing from brain damage for my youngest son.

During my pregnancy I had contracted a couple of viruses and an ultrasound showed that my baby had a build up of fluid in the left ventricle of the brain which was around double the size of the right ventricle. Further scans were done and analysed by a team of doctors. We were advised that our son would be born with severe brain damage. The medical opinion was that it would have been best to terminate the pregnancy. We were introduced to the paediatric surgeon who may have been required to perform brain surgery on our son shortly after birth to help drain the fluid. We were told to come back for further testing to see if the fluid in the brain was the result of other conditions such as Down syndrome. Before going back for further testing my husband and I fervently sought the Lord through prayer to protect and heal our son.

When we went back I asked that another ultrasound be done before I agreed to more invasive testing. The obstetrician said that there was no reason to perform another scan as nothing would have changed but as I persisted, she reluctantly agreed. She could not find anything on the ultrasound and said her machine wasn’t very accurate so sent me to the radiography department. After a few minutes the radiographer looked puzzled and then asked me to confirm what he was looking for, and which ventricle was enlarged. The scan showed that both ventricles were normal size, and no build up of fluid - praise the Lord our son had been healed!

The day he was born they still performed a brain scan on him to be sure he was ok and he was perfectly normal. He is now a healthy and intelligent little boy. I’m so grateful to the Lord for this amazing miracle.

Joanne is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood