Shirley Was Healed of Migraine Headaches

I grew up in a very large family and we were all made to attend church. I heard and saw hypercritical things there that turned me off religion. I also saw a lack of integrity in my family. At the age of 15 I left the church as it had no values to keep me. A year after marriage I was expecting my first child. My marriage ended very abruptly soon after. My second husband and I raised my child as well as seven children of our own. It was a hard life and money was short. There were fights and arguments. I neither drank nor smoked as I saw the sadness it created. I craved peace and calm.

One day my eldest child Danny came home and told his step-father of an experience he’d received. He’d been born again; set free of alcohol, cleansed from sin and given a future far greater than this world could possibly give. This was severely opposed and he was ordered to leave. I’d been listening and deep inside I had a yearning and craving to have that experience, peace and contentment. I pondered these things for some time.
On 7th September 1980, four years after I had heard the news, I went to my first meeting. I enjoyed it immensely. Danny asked me if I’d like to get baptised, which I understood meant total immersion. Since childhood I had had a massive fear of having my head under water. The Lord removed the fear that day, I confessed my sin and was baptised. My husband made it very clear that I was not to return to the meetings. 

Nine long years went by. Eventually I decided it was my life and my salvation. On 29th October 1989 I sat down again in the place of my baptism. This was a day I won’t forget. As I prayed an overwhelming feeling came over me. All of a sudden this amazing new language burst out of my mouth and I knew right there and then that my searching had ceased. I had suffered badly with migraine headaches for years and when I put this to prayer I was delivered. I was also set free of back pain. When my husband passed away the Lord gave me incredible peace and comfort.

I rejoice in my salvation. Praying in the Spirit gives me reassurance of where I am going, and I thank the Lord for a life of peace and contentment, which I was not accustomed to.

Shirley is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, SA

Erin Hawkswood