Ujwal Was Unable to Walk Properly Due to a Severe Brain Injury, Now He is Free

My family in Nepal were Hindu but I did not believe the same as them. I came to Australia to study at Hales Institute in Melbourne. I’d been in Australia for one year when something dreadful happened. I was involved in a serious accident at my girlfriend’s birthday party. I don’t remember what happened but a was left with a severe brain injury. I was in a coma and the doctors said I would probably die; they gave me a one in ten chance of survival. 

My Mother and Grandmother came over from Nepal to help me in hospital as I was in a coma for three months. When I came out of the coma my right leg did not work; I couldn’t walk properly. When I was discharged from the hospital I was in a wheelchair; and I used to rely on it to get around.

In May 2011, I heard the gospel when I went to a shopping complex in my wheelchair. One of the men from Melbourne Revival Fellowship gave me a pamphlet and said “Would you like to come to the meeting?” I said I would think about it, and a month later I gave him a ring and I started going to meetings. By that time I was no longer in a wheelchair but I still had lots of trouble walking. After a few weeks I got baptised and I felt really different; a more ‘spiritual’ person who believed in God. I noticed for the first time that smoking smelt bad and I didn’t want to continue it as I felt it was a bad thing to do.

About six months later I received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. My walking has improved dramatically since then. I used to look like a Thunderbird puppet - really stiff and likely to fall over, with arms stretched out for balance! I am very happy in the Lord, attending the Fellowship with my Mother.

Ujwal is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Nepal

Erin Hawkswood