Mavis Was Healed of Cryptococcal Meningitis

I suffered a terrible headache towards the end of June 2005. I had been to my GP who had prescribed a painkiller and an antibiotic as I was spiking a temperature. I continued to work as usual as a night shift carer. On my last shift, I was in pain. Colleagues could see I was struggling though I pretended to be strong.

The following morning I was off duty and tried to rest to no avail. My head continued throbbing as if someone was hammering it. I rolled in bed crying from the headache, reluctant to go to hospital, hoping the pain would go away. I was now feeling sick and could not eat and rang my work place telling them I could not come in the next day.

The next day a fellow sister from the fellowship visited me and, together with my son, phoned for an ambulance. The ambulance crew refused to take me to the hospital because of a headache and left. From then onwards I cannot remember what happened. I found myself in hospital being transferred from one unit to another. According to my son I had been confused and he had called his aunt to take me to hospital by taxi.

On admission, my son was asked if I was taking any drugs or alcohol. He said no. I was told that, within the space of three weeks, I was taken to the intensive care unit and then to the high dependence unit before being moved back to an ordinary ward. I was out of touch with reality. My kidneys were now in failure, I was on intravenous fluids, not eating and vomiting. I lost almost 10 kilos of my weight within a month. The doctors carried out extensive tests on me; blood tests, lumbar puncture, x-rays, brain and abdominal scans. For the vomiting, I had a continuous 24 hour syringe attached to my tummy. There were tubes all over me. I was totally helpless and dependent on nurses.

I was eventually diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis and kidney failure. I was expected to die any minute. The staff nurses never thought I would pull through. By the grace of God, through prayers from my local and wider fellowship, I survived. Six weeks on I was back to my normal senses. I prayed to God to give me back my appetite and full healing on my body. Within two days, I started to hold down my food without vomiting. During my three months stay in hospital, my pastor and brethren visited me regularly, praying for and bringing to me communion.

I never believed miracles could still happen in this generation but God proved it through my healing. I am a living testimony. I will never stop serving this wonderful, miracle working God.

Mavis is a member of The Revival Fellowship - West London, UK

Erin Hawkswood