Jacoba Experienced Peace When Told Her Baby Had Suspected Down's Syndrome

When my husband Ben and I were expecting our third child, results from blood tests and scans showed our baby had a 1 in 92 chance of being born with Down’s syndrome.

Having had two previous healthy and normal pregnancies, we were initially shocked. Ultimately it did not bother us as we knew we would love our child irrespective. So we chose not to have any of the intrusive tests to confirm or rule out the results.

The fellowship prayed with us; Ben and I focused our prayer for the Lord to give us a peace of mind, no matter what the outcome. Scans later in the pregnancy did not show any of the larger ‘markers’ for Down’s syndrome. However, nothing could be ruled out until after she was born.

During a time of prayer, Ben heard a clear voice tell him “it will be fine”. Ben took this as comfort that it will be fine whatever the outcome. I knew in my heart that our baby was going to be perfect in every way no matter what. I really thank the Lord for giving me the peace of mind to go on enjoying the last six months of my pregnancy, not worrying or wavering.

Eve was eventually born on 29th of April 2010 in good health. There were minor physical aspects that could be put down as characteristics of a Down’s syndrome child. However, as common with normal babies, a genetic blood test was taken which came back all clear.

I praise the Lord for giving me the peace of mind and for blessing us with our beautiful Eve.

Jacoba is a member of The Revival Fellowship - West London, UK

Erin Hawkswood