Alison Was Healed From Endometriosis & Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

When I was baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues God wonderfully healed me instantly from anorexia and bulimia nervosa, which I had suffered from for 13 years.

The doctor who had been treating me said, “If all my patients were as healthy as you I would be out of business”. My hair which had been falling out by the handful, thickened overnight, and the hair dresser commented how unusual that was. Even my dentist wanted to know why my teeth had stopped decaying!

I was unable to have children because I suffered from pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and ongoing rupturing ovarian cysts, but now I have 2 children and two grandchildren.

When our son was born the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck so tightly there was nothing left to allow him to move. My husband and I had some prayer in the delivery room and he was born very blue but when we had more prayer he turned pink. The doctor commented on what a beautiful pink baby we had!

When our daughter was born she got a golden staphylococci infection and also severe thrush. After laying hands on her and praying, she was totally healed.

Every time I think about my children and grand children I am reminded of what a wonderful Father we have, who operates with sign, wonders and miracles at a personal level.

I give all the glory to the Lord and pray that when Jesus returns I will meet Him in the air.

Alison is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood