Kris Was Protected From Brain Damage in His Mother's Womb

The first miracle in my life was as I was getting born. My Mum was incredibly sick; she was blown up as a big balloon. The doctor had basically told Mum that I was either going to come out dead or would survive with severe brain damage. My parents were in the fellowship and the people there were praying that I was going to come out perfectly fine like a normal baby. That‘s the option the Lord gave and I praise the Lord that that occurred.

When I was 3 my parents’ marriage fell apart. For the next 5 years I went between Dad in South Australia and Mum in Victoria. My learning wasn’t that great I got 2 years behind at school. I was only getting to meetings when I was with Dad. During the school term I was with Mum and I totally forgot about the meetings. I was disobedient, starting to swear, steal and get into fights at school. My Dad re-married. He brought me back to South Australia. I started learning a lot more and was getting to meetings on a constant basis. By the age of 10 I was seeking for the gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and that’s just what happened. I got baptised 4 weeks later, in November 2000. I knew this was what the Bible said. I praise the Lord that at the end of year 12 I passed, I got 57% even though I was still 2 years behind.

Then I tried a whole heap of wrong stuff in the world, but I didn’t like the lifestyle, so I knew that I didn’t fit. A man from the fellowship came through and picked me up and took me to my first meeting in Albury. I praise the Lord because I don’t think I would have been here today if he hadn’t. I knew for certain that I received the gift of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues. I knew it was the truth. It’s written in the Bible. I thought at the time that if I denied that, I would be a fool. I know it. I know it’s the truth. It’s happened to me. I started making the Lord my focus. I’ve now got a desire to pray, find out scriptures and find out more about what God’s got to say and find out less about this world. This world’s got nothing in it. Amen.

Kris is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood