Poppy Was Healed From Severe Meconium Aspiration

Poppy was born on Monday 5th March 2012. When my waters broke there was evidence of meconium (the baby’s first bowel movement), an indication that the baby is stressed. I was closely monitored throughout my 13.5 hour labour. Poppy’s heart rate remained steady so I was allowed to continue labour despite her 10lb 3oz (4.6Kg) weight and fresh meconium continually appearing. Praise the Lord I was able to deliver her naturally too.

After Poppy was born she began showing signs of breathing troubles and was taken into ICU with one-on-one attention. She was diagnosed with meconium aspiration. She had swallowed meconium into her stomach and also inhaled a lot into her lungs. The x-rays showed there was evidence that her lungs were full of meconium.

She had an oxygen tube in her nose, oxygen box over her head, tube in her throat, umbilical catheter, IV drip in her hand, heart rate monitor and other monitoring probes attached over her body. She was given 100% oxygen and monitored for blood oxygen saturation levels, which needed to remain over 90 (she was between 90 and 92) or she would need to go onto a ventilator. This would mean she would be in “deep trouble” as the reverse pressure from the lumps of meconium could cause one or both lungs to rupture cells and collapse but her saturation levels remained acceptable and she didn’t need the ventilator. Eventually I was able to see and touch her in ICU.

Continued prayer was being had by all, and by the next morning, Tuesday, she was only being given 60% oxygen – such an exciting improvement already! By the afternoon the oxygen was reduced to 40% and her blood oxygen levels were nearly normal. On Wednesday afternoon we were able to hold Poppy and I was even able to give her, her first breastfeed! The radical improvement continued each day until she was finally discharged exactly 7 days after her birth.

One of the head ICU paediatricians commented that babies with that degree of meconium aspiration would spend about three weeks in ICU. Also, more than one midwife remarked that it was “amazing” as they didn’t understand how Poppy’s heart rate remained so steady during labour when the amount of continuous fresh meconium indicated otherwise. Talking to paediatricians after leaving hospital, one commented that “babies with meconium aspiration die all the time”, another told us we were so lucky she is alive due to her size, length of labour and the extreme amount of meconium present.

We are both so grateful to God for healing Poppy and for the comfort and peace He provided us. She now has her own story of her quick recovery, and how God had His hand over her, even when things were looking pretty dicey the night she was born. She is healthy and happy, praise the Lord!

Poppy and her parents are members of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood