Anne's Baby was Growing Outside of the Uterus but God Healed Her

God bless everyone, My name is Anne Timi. I come from a small village call Baue in PNG. I was brought up in a Christian discipline family, went to school, completed my education and was offered a job during my final year of studies. During my working life, I would go out partying and drinking with my girlfriends. I met my husband at a night club. I thought that I could find happiness in marriage, however our marriage turned bitter and sour.

In September, 1997 during my pregnancy I suddenly started bleeding heavily. I went to the hospital and the doctor scanned my baby and found out that my baby was growing outside of the uterus.

There were three things that the doctor told me that day: I had 24 hours only to live, emergency surgery was the only hope to either save my baby or myself and I was severely anaemic. After hearing these things, I was really scared of dying even though I considered myself a ‘so called’ Christian.

I rang up my husband and told him about the doctor's results and statements. With his small faith in God he invited his boss, who was Spirit filled, to pray for me. My husband had witnessed him being healed by God from a serious illness. His boss had preached the gospel to him on several occasions but deep inside, my husband always said "I'm born Catholic and I will die Catholic". When we were faced with this situation he forgot about being Catholic, he was desperate for a miracle to take place so he was eager for his boss’s prayer. I thought to myself, I'm a church goer or ‘Christian’, been to 12 churches, got baptised six times searching for God, why can't God hear my prayer?

I went home in the evening, the Spirit filled couple came and shared God's simple Gospel message of repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit quoted in John 3 : 3 - 5. I was desperate for a healing that evening but had no intention to be a part of their Revival Fellowship group, however when I heard God's Word, I forgot about healing and I simply believed when they prayed in tongues. God healed me instantly. When we said AMEN, the bleeding stopped immediately.

The next morning I went to the hospital and the doctor scanned me and we could see my baby back inside the uterus. The doctor wanted to further confirm the miracle that God had performed so he called the other five doctors to also confirm it. I was admitted to the ward just for monitoring and observations. While in the hospital, I received no visits from my best friends, drinking mates, sport mates, etc. Only Spirit filled people from the Revival Fellowship came and shared God's Word with me. I continued observing the Revival Fellowship while in the hospital.

I was discharged from the hospital when I was seven months into my pregnancy. I repented, got baptised by full immersion on 11th January, 1998 in Mt Hagen, PNG and three weeks later I received the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues. This was my seventh and final baptism! Finally I found the true love, joy, peace, and happiness that I had been searching for in this world through the Word of God. My husband got baptised on 8th February, 1998.

I gave birth to my son on 18th March, 1998 where five doctors were monitoring me at my bedside. I thank God that everything was possible through His plan, love, grace and I delivered my son without any complications.

I give praise, honour and glory to this wonderful, miracle working God who according to His plan and purpose, saved my son and my life and extended our lives from 24 hours according to the doctor's knowledge to today. Secondly, I did not go through the emergency operation but I'm grateful and thankful that I went through the Spiritual circumcision of the heart and received the Holy Spirit so now I can worship God in Spirit and in Truth (Joh 4: 23 24).

I thank God for blessing me with a loving, caring husband, Br Michael Timi, a son, Job Timi and a Spiritual big loving family of God. Finally, I am no longer scared of dying, I am looking forward for that day when the Lord returns and calls all His chosen faithful people home to rule and reign with Him forever, Amen

Anne and her family are member of The Revival Fellowship - Port Moresby, PNG

Erin Hawkswood