Michelle's Daughter Was Healed of a Brain Abnormality

During a routine ultrasound when I was 20 weeks pregnant, I was told there was something wrong with my baby’s brain. When I got the results from my doctor 4 days later, the right ventricle of my baby’s brain was enlarged to 12mm, which meant there wasn’t the right amount of fluid going into the spinal column which controls the nervous system. My GP told me to go straight to Flinders Hospital as they needed to find out exactly what was wrong with my baby; they needed to find out if this complication was “compatible with life” and that I might need to have a late stage termination.

The doctors at Flinders couldn’t give me any more information about what was wrong with my baby as an enlarged ventricle is normally part of a chromosome disorder, but if this was the case there would be multiple abnormalities, not just the one. On the way to the hospital my Mum, myself and my husband all had some prayer in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues.

The doctor at Flinders said I needed to have an amniocentesis, which is where they stick a needle into the sack of fluid around the baby, take some of the fluid and test it. This procedure has a 1 in 200 risk of miscarriage, so it was something that I didn’t want to do. I asked to have another ultrasound (as my GP suggested it), but the doctor at Flinders wasn’t going to let me, he said that “these are the results and they are not going to change”. I insisted on having another ultrasound.

The second ultrasound showed that the right ventricle was no longer 12mm, but was only 8.4mm which is perfectly normal and it was measured to be smaller than the left ventricle which was 8.5mm and a normal size from the beginning. The doctors put it down to incorrect measuring, but with a 3.5mm difference and the fact that it was measured smaller than the left the second time, it could not have been incorrect. The scans were only 4 days apart. Since then I have also been told that a 3.5mm difference is a big difference in an adult, let alone a 20 week fetus.

It could have only been the Lord that healed my baby.

Michelle is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood