Scholly and Willie Were Healed of Infertility

Willie wanted children and his parents invited magicians to come and see me. After they saw me they promised our families that I would give birth in a few months. In vain many Kena were spent on their promises, promises and more promises. There was a lot of unrest between us, and quarrels between our families too.

In 1989 Willie worked with brothers in the fellowship who told him how he could receive the Holy Spirit so that he could talk to God and have salvation. He wanted this, but didn't know anything about miracles. Without telling me, he went to his first meeting, and there he was baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit on the 31st of September 1989. I was upset.

At that time I was appointed to read to people in the Roman Catholic Church, but now I know it was in vain. I was hungry spiritually and there was no change in the menu!

Willie's life really changed but I was very stubborn and would not come to any meetings. In the end he persuaded me to come...and so I went and observed for four meetings before I, too, was baptised and received the Holy Spirit. God blessed us, and I was pregnant three months later. We now have five children and a wonderful life serving the Lord.

Scholly and Willie are members of The Revival Fellowship - Koyebu, PNG

Erin Hawkswood