Donna was Healed of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

After attending a Revival service back in the late 80’s, I knew I needed a change in my life.  I decided to get baptised and a few days later I received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. I felt so clean and new, I knew I had done the right thing.

My life instantly turned around. I no longer wanted to do the things I had done before. I had a peace and happiness I had never experienced nor thought possible.

God has blessed me with amazing healings:

  • I had suffered with a bad back for 6 years, but one night while praying I was instantly healed.

  • I have been healed of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

  • In 1992 I was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder from which I had suffered since I was a teenager. I prayed to be healed from this dreadful condition. The Lord answered my prayer and I have been in perfect mental health since.

  • In 1994 I had an ectopic pregnancy and was told I would need surgery as the fallopian tubes were blocked. After prayer I was confident that the Lord would heal me. Six weeks later, further test showed my tubes had cleared, and five months later I fell pregnant with the first of our three children.

It is comforting to know that through prayer, the Lord will look after me. I thank God for His grace and mercy in my life.

Donna is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Sunshine Coast, QLD

Erin Hawkswood