Kyra Conceived Naturally Despite Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

The first seven years of my life were spent in a broken home, where God wasn’t talked about. I often didn’t know if there would be food in the house, or who the strangers were that would frequently visit. I had to take responsibility for many things that most people don’t have to worry about until adulthood. 

God rescued me from that situation when a spirit-filled couple adopted my brother and me. I spent the next ten years living in a safe environment where God was at the centre of everything. This was a complete change and adjustment for me – I not only had parents to rely on but also saw how people can be in a relationship with God. After some time, I realised that I could trust in God myself and seek to be filled with His Holy Spirit, starting my relationship with Him.

At the age of 17 I was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, then was baptised by full immersion. Praise the Lord for His salvation and I thank Him for his plan in my life. I thank God that he shielded me during my childhood and that I don’t suffer any psychological trauma from this period in my life.

After being married to a Spiritfilled brother in the Lord, we have been blessed with a family of our own. This was a miracle as I suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome, and fertility treatments were not working. Shortly after putting this to the Lord we discovered we had conceived naturally and now are bringing up our son in the ways of the Lord. Praise the Lord that our son has the opportunity for a hope and future in the Lord.

Kyra is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, SA

Erin Hawkswood