Yarni was Healed of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

In 1991 I received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and was baptised by full immersion. 

I have suffered the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome since I was 17-years-old. I was officially diagnosed at 19, and I was a text-book case. Doctors told me they could only try to manage my symptoms because there isn’t a cure for PCOS. I began various treatments right away, but my symptoms worsened. My hair thinned, I suffered hirsutism, I had terribly acne, was overweight and my cycles were irregular. Despite strictly following a very low-calorie diet, I had to exercise intensely each day to maintain any weight-loss, and soon found the low-calorie diet completely unsustainable. I developed a separate condition called fibroids, which caused very heavy bleeding resulting in low blood-pressure and anaemia. I was put on anti-clotting medication to try to give my body a break, but things continued to get worse. The only symptom I have never suffered is pain, and I am very thankful to the Lord for that blessing. One of the major symptoms of PCOS is infertility, which I suffered. I was heartbroken because of it, often feeling like I had a knife being twisted in my chest. I had felt this way for a long time when I spoke to a sister at a Summer Camp and we prayed together about it. The Lord healed my low blood pressure and completely took away my heartbreak. I was content and happy, and I no longer felt awful when I saw other people with children.

For eight years we tried various fertility treatments including two years of IUI treatment at St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester. Over those two years I was often at the hospital daily for scans and blood tests, medication changes, injections and treatments. In November 2012, we had an appointment to find out if the treatments had been successful or not. Before the appointment, I told my husband that regardless of what they were to tell us, I still wanted to be happy and content. I believed that God had healed me from my heartbreak over infertility and I didn’t want it to come back.

The news we were given at the appointment wasn’t what we wanted, but I felt exactly the same when I left the appointment as I had before we went in. God completely protected my heart and gave me peace. I was told I couldn’t have children and that the only option left to help my PCOS symptoms was a full hysterectomy. I was to come back for that operation when I could no longer handle my symptoms. A couple of years later I was investigated for ovarian cancer, but I praise the Lord that I did not have that. I have had no medical intervention since then.

In 2018 I turned 40 and something really strange happened. My women’s cycles returned, my hair got thicker, my acne started to clear and I began to lose weight. I was happy and thankful and carried on with my life. Then in February 2020 I had abnormal bleeding again and I had to go back to the doctor for tests. I had a blood test which showed my hormone levels were completely normal, indicating I no longer had PCOS! It was amazing. The doctor sent me for a scan to confirm the findings, but the scan was delayed for months due to COVID. It was August when I went for the scan and by that time, my body seemed to be working normally again. During the scan the sonographer told me, ‘I’m very sorry, I can’t tell you what’s going on with your ovaries because we’ve found something else.’ He had discovered I was pregnant! After 22 years of marriage and 17 years of different treatments trying to manage my PCOS, I was completely healed.

We welcomed our miracle baby boy in April 2021. We thank God for his mercy and blessing.

Yarni is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Liverpool, UK

Erin Hawkswood