Christine Was Healed of a Lung Deficiency

I was born with a deficiency in my lungs, which meant that I couldn’t separate the oxygen from the air. I was given up to die at 3 days old by the doctors. They actually put me into a humid crib and said that I wouldn’t survive the night. I also had no reflexes at this time.

They sedated my mother and she looked at the ceiling and prayed to the Lord all night because she knew that the Lord could heal me. My father who is a Pastor preached on the topic of “Healing” that night at the assembly meeting.

The next morning they came running to my mum and said “I don’t know what’s happened, but your little girl is all right”. I was supposed to be black and blue, but I was fine, I was breathing properly, I could grab hold of fingers and I was just totally well.

At 3 months of age I had what was called an umbilical hernia where the stomach lining bursts and your stomach comes out in a bubble. I was taken to the doctors and they said I would be mentally and physically deformed as this was a sign of Cretinism.

I would also have to have my stomach strapped in till I was about four years old. My parents prayed and within about a week the hernia disappeared and I developed quite normally. I remember going to the doctor and he was amazed that I was doing so well. I shouldn’t have been doing anything really; I should have been a vegetable.

I was able to go through school; I did matriculation, got jobs, married and had a family, the lot, and now I’m a grandmother too - what a life! Amen.

Christine is a member of The Revival Fellowship - Adelaide, South Australia

Erin Hawkswood