Lucas was Healed of a Critical Lung Condition

My name is Brother Lucas Allan. I got baptised and received the Holy Spirit on 23rd January 2008 with the Bible evidence as in Acts 2:38, Mark 16:17 and many other scriptures about people who receive the Holy Spirit and spoke in new tongues.

When I was a small boy I grew up in a disciplined family. My father is an elder in the community where we lived and when I was growing up I was under my parents’ discipline. I started school in the community and then went to high school. After entering high school my life was going from bad to worse. I started drinking with my school mates. After doing these things I got a sickness in my lungs, I lost weight and couldn’t walk any distance. I was in a critical condition. I stayed home with my grandmother who is Spirit filled in this church. My grandmother took me to Sunday fellowship at 9 Mile, in Port Moresby.

I listened to the Word of God, when the pastor put out a call I indicated to get baptised and a Pastor baptised me by full immersion. After coming out of the water I received the Holy Spirit and spoke in a new language. The second miracle, the sickness left me completely and I am enjoying my salvation and praising God. Thank you for listening to my testimony. God bless you now and always.

Lucas is a member of The Revival Felllowship - Port Moresby, PNG

Erin Hawkswood